Friday, September 30, 2016

Parcel details

Dear studio334.hangover,

We couldn't deliver your parcel on September 30th because we couldn't verify the given address.

Attached is the shipment label. Please print it out to take the parcel from our office.

Label-ID: 68d0086a80c83ad19aa3813c6b1d77614ebe6a983b76ad01be8722b021cfe89772

Best Wishes,
Imelda Caldwell
DHL Express Service

Friday, September 16, 2016

Re: request

Dear studio334.hangover, as you inquired, here is the invoice from September 2016.

Let me know whether it is the correct invoice number you needed or not.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Suspected Purchases

Dear studio334.hangover,

We have suspected irregular purchases from the company's account.
Please take a look at the attached account balance to see the purchase history.

Best Regards,
Erasmo Ortiz
Support Manager